k/o design studiok/o design studio


Itarlian Compactness Exhibition

2000 / TOKYO

fig.01 fig.02 fig.03 fig.04

イタリアのファッションから家具やプロダクトまでをあえて75m²の面積に集めてその暮らしを楽しく彩る様子を見せるともにそれがデザイナーの感性と職人の技術の賜であることを見せる試み。 スパイラルの個性的な空間に合わせたインスタレーションのデザイン。

By collecting various Itarlian designs from the fashion, furniture, and consumer products industries into one 75m² space, the installation was intended to demonstrate the fun and colorful way that daily living coincides with the appreciation for the designer's sensitivity and excellent craftsman-ship. The installation was designed to suit the unique special requirements of the Spiral Building.