k/o design studiok/o design studio



2003 / OKAMURA

fig.01 fig.02 fig.03 fig.04

オフィスの個室や会議室のためのアルミフレーム構造のテーブルで、四周にフレームが回るものと、キャンティレバーで甲板が持ち出されたタイプの2種類があるが、どちらもミーテイングという場面における人の心理や触覚を考えて甲板の断面形状がデザインされた。 特に椅子のアームとテーブルのエッジの関係には、特別の注意が払われている。

These are two kinds of flexible tables for both scenes at the office and meeting. One for executive office use allows a cantilevered structure with an aluminum edge. The other has the same edge, which goes around the tabletop board. On the both designs, it has been in the consideration with the psychological aspects as well as a comfortable feeling in the scene of both office and meeting. Certainly, the designer wants to refine the arm of the office chair and the edge of the tabletop sensitively and leads a new comfort in the office and meeting space.